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Assessment in Higher Education

Definition of Assessment in Higher Education
Assessment in Higher Education is an on-going evaluation documenting process aimed at understanding and improving student learning by measuring the learning outcomes in knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs.

The Aims of Assessment:
  • Guide student approaches to study and provide students with feedback on their progress – the developmental “formative” process. Provide students the opportunity to demonstrate whether or not they have achieved the Intended Learning Outcomes and at what level have they achieved.

  • Provide teachers the evidence to make a judgement on what level a student has performed against the Intended Learning Outcomes in order to proceed to the next level of study – the judgmental “summative” process. This also protects academic standards.

  • Provide feedback for students so as to monitor the student’s learning difficulties.

  • Provide feedback for teachers to diagnose students’ prior skills and abilities and adjust the curriculum or provide additional assistance accordingly.

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